Dermal Filler Treatments

Lips | Cheeks | Lower Face | Fine Lines 



Beautiful lips have always been an attractive feature on the face and lip augmentation has become increasingly popular with the development of gorgeous soft, comfortable fillers. Application can be slightly uncomfortable but once the the product is placed it integrates beautifully with the surrounding tissue to look and feel like it belongs. The perfect lip is created by enhancing the natural elements of the lip to achieve balance, symmetry and proportion. These factors are always considered whether its volume and hydration you are wanting or simply the softening of lines and wrinkles around the lips. Lip enhancement should deliver a natural, plump, rejuvenated look without the appearing out of place.

Price guide: $650 per ml


Left: Before and after photos of a 30 year old wanting improvement with her lip symmetry

Right: Before and after photo of a 20 year old wanting a more defined cupids bow and fuller lips

Charlotte - lips.jpg.png

Please note that much of this publication is based on personal experience and anecdotal evidence. Although the author and publisher have made every reasonable attempt to achieve complete accuracy of the content in this text, they assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Also, you should use this information as you see fit, and at your own risk. Please take the time to read the Dermal Filler page as this informs you of the contraindications and side-effects of these treatments. Dermal Filler is considered a medical device and must be treated as such, only to be injected by a Registered Medical Professional.

All before and after photos on the Imperfect website are genuine untouched photographs of Imperfect clients. Results will vary from patient to patient and the photos provide guidance only to possible results. Your individual results may vary from those seen in the photographs for a variety of reasons. All before and after photographs are ©Imperfect.